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"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"


Henry Ford

Crisis Management Services

In a crisis, time is a scarcity and swift appropriate action an imperative

Cornerstone’s number one goal is the avoidance of irreversible failure. Cornerstone recognises that a crisis often requires talents that many incumbent mangers do not possess. While present management may be perfectly capable for day-to-day business, the crisis tunnel needs a totally different set of skills. The intensity of the associated pressure often blurs the vision of incumbent management and the risk of making inappropriate decisions increases exponentially. Cornerstone’s expertise frees management to concentrate on the routine running of the business – what they are best at, by taking charge of the crisis and its’ resolution.

Cornerstone starts from the position that every crisis provides an opportunity. Crisis resolution is a two step process – stabilisation and recovery, both with independent timelines and specialised action plans.

The approach Cornerstone uses to determine the scope and fundamentals of the problem is called ASAP – analyse, stabilise, advocate, put into practice

  • Analyse - situation analysis

  • Stabilise - stop the haemorrhaging

  • Advocate - identification of alternatives and proposal of solution

  • Put into Practice - execution of agreed plan of action


Crisis management services provided by Cornerstone under the ASAP approach are:

  • Analysis of the enterprises viability – can lead to recovery management

  • Determine stabilisation procedures necessary and establish initial timeline

  • Evaluation of operational performance

  • Evaluation of the sales function and profitability analysis

  • Evaluation of human resources

  • Evaluation of asset performance

  • Evaluation of liability engagement and purchasing procedures

  • Systems and control evaluation

  • Rationalisation

  • Preparation of cashflow forecasts


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Cornerstone Investments BV                            Cornerstone Conseil                 

Amsterdam                                                       Paris          

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